Thursday, 30 January 2014

Off The Press

OK, time to state Utherwald's plans for the year ahead.

Alyeskan Tales is now released, effectively Utherwald Press' first official product that'll serve as a promotion for Frozen Skies when that product is released. Frozen Skies itself should be released later this year, alternative funding has been sort for it and there has been some positive signs here. Though things are in much better shape compared to a year ago, so some artwork could see the light of day over the coming months.

To tie in with Frozen Skies, a bunch of short adventures set in the frozen frontier of Alyeska will be produced and be put up on the OneBookShelf network of sites as Pay What You Want. Again these will help to promote Frozen Skies and also build Utherwald Press' presence.

Further details of the world of Darmonica, the greater setting of Frozen Skies, will be posted on the blog. Some of the material posted up as previews for the Kickstarter will be revised, updated and reposted as well. Also details of further books planned that cover the rest of the Darmonica setting will also be posted.

There are other products planned, but details will be released in the future.

Friday, 17 January 2014

Alyeskan Tales - Print Version

The print version of Alyeskan Tales is a set closer to release having been submitted to DriveThruStuff's print-on-demand service, expecting to hear yay or nay within the next few days.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Alyeskan Tales

Alyeskan Tales is now out and listed as Pay What You Want, every bit of support we can get will help us grow and help get products like Frozen Skies out that little bit quicker.

The print version of Alyeskan Tales is still in the works, expect to see it in the next few weeks.