Monday 8 September 2014

Savage Skies

Bit of a gap in posting, partially due to the day job and partially due to working away on the rules for the Frozen Skies setting. Been taking a crack at air combat rules, mainly adapted from the Crimson Skies based Savage Worlds rules produced by Clint Black (who's kindly given me permission to use them). Since the rules were written for the older version of Savage Worlds I'm going through updating them where they need updating, but I have come up with a few additions to the rules;

*Evasion:- This is a new stat for aircraft combat, works just like Parry does but for aircraft instead. Evasion is two plus half of the character's Piloting skill plus the aircraft's Agility (explained below). So for a character with d8 in their Piloting skill and flying an aircraft with an Agility of 1, their Evasion stat would be 7 (2+4+1) and therefore the TN for anyone trying to attack him. A less skilled pilot flying a lumbering behemoth of an aircraft would be easier to hit than an Ace pilot in an aircraft that turns on a penny.

*Agility:- Agility is how agile the aircraft is, which factors into a Pilot's Evasion stat as explained above. It is also an addition to the attributes that an aircraft has during aircraft creation in Clint's original rules, as a result the points you use to 'improve' the aircraft has been increased to 5. The ranks for Agility are as follows;

Poor -1; Average 0; Good 1; Excellent 2

There will be Glitches/Upgrades that effect an aircraft's Agility attributes.


Aerial combat in the Frozen Skies setting works the normal way it does for Vehicular Combat for aircraft as in the SWD, though with the addition of Evasion. This basically means to hit another aircraft a pilot has to make a Shooting roll against that aircraft's Evasion score, but damage works in the normal way.This is intended to be an alternative ruleset to use for aerial combat than the Chase rules in the SWD or the Dogfight rules in Weird Wars. Depending upon interest I may produce these rules as a standalone supplement.

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