Wednesday 20 April 2016

April 2016 Update

Another case of "Hey, haven't done one of these posts in a while..." sort of deal, plus stuff has happened since the last post of this type. I also wanted to give an update on and confirm some event details.

So, without further delays...

Frozen Skies

A few updates here, so I'll split them up into their own little bits;

*Artwork - Finally gotten more artwork in the pipeline with the artist currently working on the first of three pieces. A Work In Progress preview can be found as a Patrons only post over on the Patreon page, this preview will be posted on this blog probably next week.

*Writing - Ian Liddle, who previously did the layout for the Setting Primer, has joined the team to help get the writing properly organised and even do some writing of his own. So a big thank you is owed to him!

*Names & Books - Decided to do the current book as a sort of Player's Guide with everything needed to run games, though it'll probably be called something along the lines of 'The Aviator's Companion'. Couple more books are planned with one being a world guide with location details called 'The Alyeskan Gazetteer' and a book called 'Skies of Crimson' that'll focus on sky pirates and the pirate haven of Broken Spires.


OK, there are at least two confirmed events that Utherwald will be in attendance at.

Diceni - This is a local gaming event that Utherwald has attended since its beginnings. It'll be taking place at the Forum in Norwich (UK) on Sunday 1st May from 10am to 4pm with free entry.

Exilicon - Slightly further afield in Cambridge, Exilicon is a convention of creative geekery thats in its third year. This year it'll be at the St Andrew's Baptist Church in Cambridge on Saturday 22nd October, again this is a free entry event. 11am-5pm

NOR-CON - Otherwise known at the Norfolk TV, Film and Comic Con takes place on Saturday 8th October at the Norfolk Showground. This is a potential event, have yet to book a trade stand so wait for confirmation.


Mulling the idea of giving Kickstarter another shot, or maybe even Indiegogo. Biggest problem is setting the rewards, chiefly what to offer and how to tier it. Thoughts on the matter would be most welcomed.

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