Saturday, 21 June 2014

Evolution, Evolution, Evolution

It seems I get my best ideas when my brain suddenly decides to work working overtime when I have to be up early.

This is in addition to a lack of sleep.

One particular train of thought was making Alyeska into a continent in it's own right rather than just a region, a little like an Arctic Australia or more actually Northrend from World of Warcraft. This would expand the content in Frozen Skies and gave GMs and players more room to explore as well as more options for adventures.

Things are shaping up as follows;

*East Alyeska:- This would be the area I've already developed and begun sketching out a map for, though most folk would simply call it Alyeska as explained below.

*West Alyeska:- More commonly called the 'Wulf Lands' due to the fact its overrun by the wolf-like beasts called Wulvers. The only people in this area tend to be stubborn homesteaders, the LRDG style Alyeskan Outriders and the Wulfbane Commandos.

*New Gwentia:- The main area of settlement on the continent, as such the more civilized part in sense of having running water, electricity, radio and telephone communication that more often than not actually works. It is still stubbornly a frontier region, though one thats becoming more and more tamed with each passing year. It is also under siege by the Wulvers migrating from the Wulf Lands.

Now this would entail a rewrite of parts of the current draft of Frozen Skies, though ultimately if it helps improve the content then so be it.

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