Wednesday, 6 May 2015

State of the Press May 2015: DICENI!

This last Sunday Utherwald was in attendance at Diceni in Norwich.

This was the third year in a row that Utherwald has been at Diceni, its a local show thats steadily been growing but not without minor issues along the way. The show's mascot, Boundi (based on the local lass and Iceni Queen Boudica), in her original version caused a degree of outrage. Whereas on a more personal level my stall at last year's show was in a much less than ideal spot being off to one side from the main area of the show. This I was in a better spot, right next to the main entrance of the forum and so had plenty of foot traffic. Sales weren't as great as I hoped, but I made the money back on the cost of the stall and had plenty of interest from people, including speaking to a chap who's signed up for the Frozen Skies game I'm running at UK Games Expo.

All-in-all it was a fun day, had a few thoughts about things I could possibly do for UKGE at the end of May. Least for the later show I should have a few copies of the Savage Worlds Deluxe Explorer's Edition rulebook on hand to sell.

Though a quick heads up, no post next week as I'm taking a well earned holiday and will without internet access.

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