Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Kickstarter Update #2 So Far So Good

Well, the project's pace is starting to pick up a little bit and I expect it to grow as word spreads to more and more people. We're now over the £100 mark, again showing there is interest in this book but there is still a long way to go. Now if we can get over the £1,000 mark by the end of the week then that will be truly awesome.

Once again thanks to everyone who has pledged thus far, I will keep on saying thanks because you guys deserve it for giving an indie their chance and help them to get their first product (of hopefully many) out into the world. So please, please continue to pester people you know or who might be interested in this book to pledge as well as spreading the word about this project.
As a small reward for those who have pledged already here is a snippet from the book;

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Time's Icy Breath: Alyeska's Pre-History

For many centuries the frozen tundra of Alyeska remained a largely distant and unknown land, far removed and isolated from the rest of the world. As such much of Alyeska's actual recorded history only covers the last few hundred years, going back further than that one has to rely on the oral tales of the Windryders or piece together fragmented writings that litter the walls of ancient, snow bound and icy ruins scattered across the wastes. 

In short, Alyeska's history is bit of an enigma. 

It is known that many eons ago Alyeska was settled by an ancient civilisation, one that could quite possibly be comparable to the present day and age. They were skilful masters of engineering and construction. Their finest city, The Monolith, is the most visible reminder of their existence. This towering structure, more akin to a mountain than a city, sits in the heart of the Chillwynd Marches and remains as much a mystery as its builders. Scholars are frustrated by the lack of knowledge concerning Alyeska's original settlers. Nobody knows where they came from, or even what they called themselves. The Windryders themselves are especially tight-lipped on the matter, vaguely hinting at a terrible event which effectively wiped out this ancient civilisation only leaving scattered ruins in its wake. 

Time passed, seasons changed and the ruins endured the harsh weather common to the North. For an age the nomadic Windryders gave the ruins a wide berth out of fear of curses or evils that may be contained within the frozen stones. Gradually they began to make use of the smaller, easier to repair structures first as shelters and then over time as meeting halls. Eventually these halls became semi-permanent villages occupied briefly by a single tribe for only a few months at a time before they moved on during their seasonal migration. These 'villages' would later be taken over as outposts by a new wave of settlers and become the modern townships now dotted across Alyeska.

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